God, What Do I Do?

Dear Partner,

Once you have a consistent, living relationship with God, you’ll more often know what to do when you have choices to make. Especially those important decisions. Because of your close relationship with God you’ll be led on how to lean in to His presence that will provide peace for which direction to go. Distractions will hinder you from putting emphasis on His presence. And it’s in His presence where mountains and hills are melted, see Psalm 97:3-5.

It’s a lot harder to know what to do and where to go, without having a living, close relationship with God. He literally navigates us right into His will one step after another, if we just listen to Him and spend a lot of time in His WORD. And take every care, thought and concern to the feet of Jesus. This isn’t just a saying or a phrase. It’s reality. I practice it, do it, and receive His wisdom and direction from it. There are many things that have to be “prayed” out! And by the time you finish, you’ll know exactly what you are supposed to do. You have to enter the “zone.” Clear your mind of all distractions, concerns and thoughts and only focus on you and Jesus. Create a CLEAR LANE to hear directly from Him. Now you’re hearing from Him with certainty. That’s what causes a believer to have confidence in the steps they take. It’s because they’ve “been with the Father.” And you can’t convince them that they haven’t been with the Father.

Many people may have their opinions on what they think you should do, where you should go, and how you should plan. But mostly, God has not told them what He’s been revealing to you. We have to spend time with God and pray out His will for ourselves. Yes, God uses people and our spiritual leaders to help direct us and confirm His leading in our lives. But like Kenneth E. Hagin once said, “There comes a time in every believer’s life where they must stand on their own two feet before God.” He’s referring to praying for yourself, seeking God, following His instructions and then seeing the victory unfold in the natural, and now you have a testimony.

“Meditation opens the door to revelation.” Living like we’re made in HIS image and after His likeness can only be realized in our lives by closely learning of Him and knowing who He is as our Heavenly Father and leader. (Read Ephesians 4:6, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Psalm 68:5)

If you’re confused, you’re not progressing. Don’t condemn yourself if you’re confused, seek after the wisdom of God. It’s not God’s will for you to stay confused. It’s God’s will for you to be loosed. Loosed from confusion and every hindrance that would cause hesitation where the will of God is concerned. How many times has the “things” of God been delayed towards us due to a lack of knowledge? More times than we’d like to even know about!

My earthly father Terry Minor Sr, who was also my spiritual father once said it this way, “If you keep your appointments with God, you’ll make it to your appointed time.”

I want to say it again. The more we spend time with God, the more we will just know what to do! His leading will be “fresh” on us as well as in us. The Holy Spirit himself will reveal this truth to us. Spending time with God and in His WORD will literally give you peace about which direction to take.

Frustration comes from not knowing what to do, and also from not spending quality time with God. The amount of frustration that manifests from not knowing what to do sometimes exposes just how much time has not been spent with God. Let that sink in for a minute…

Because even if we’re unsure, since we’ve spent time with the Father, peace will manifest in us and be present. That’s faith. That’s trusting in God’s own integrity to do what He said He’d do.

And one of the BEAUTIFUL parts about God being LOVE is, once you return to focused-time with Him and in His presence, there is a soft, warm confirmation that’ll bear witness in your spirit that shows….. “He’s here, still, and haven’t left. He’s for me and longs to spend time with me.” It’s because He is God, He doesn’t change, He stays the same and He promised to NEVER LEAVE YOU and NEVER FORSAKE YOU!

We don’t deserve Him, yet we have Him because He gave Himself to us! He gave Himself to us through His son Jesus. And once we have received Jesus, at the moment we were totally DONE with wickedness! Children of God do not embrace wickedness. Wickedness only results in destruction.

Having God’s wisdom results in long, good life!

Remember in grade school, when you were walking in the halls and when you were thirsty, where did you go? To the water fountain! Think of it like this, there are two fountains in life. 1, the fountain of God’s wisdom. And 2, the fountain of worldly wisdom! Oh, you’re thirsty! And which fountain you drink from determines what will happen in your life.

God has wisdom for us, that will absolutely NEVER disappoint. You can trust Father God, at all times, of course! In James 1:5 KJV it says…

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

To break it down in the most simple way the words “upbraideth not” means “When you ask God for his wisdom, He’s not going to scold you and have an issue with you wanting His wisdom, in fact, He’s been waiting on us to just ask Him for it!”

In this verse, the word “liberally” in the Greek also means “simply.”

God will just simply give you His wisdom if you ask Him for it! And He has no issue doing so! You’re His child, of course He doesn’t have an issue fathering you!!! God giving us His wisdom is His way of bringing us up as His kids.

Stay away from the fountain of worldly wisdom. You’ll know if it’s the fountain of worldly wisdom if it does not line up accurately with what God already said in His written WORD. And His spirit will bear witness with your spirit.

James 3:13-16 NLT tells us the fountain of worldly wisdom.

13 If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.

14 But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying.

15 For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic.

16 For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.

Avoid strife, bitterness, rudeness, boasting, lying and jealousy at all costs!

So until you know what to do with those bigger situations, do what you know to do, based on what He said in the WORD that we can apply to our everyday life concerning the wisdom of God which is found in James 3:17-18 NLT which says….

17 But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.

18 And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

Be pure, love peace and love to make peace always, be gentle at all times and yield to others. Be full of mercy and good deeds! This is the wisdom of God!

I am praying for you daily!


Terry Minor Jr


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