The Love Importance

JULY 2022

Dear Partner,

We can not overlook how important love is when it comes to faith and overcoming while on planet earth.

The victory that overcomes the world is our FAITH. (See 1 John 5:4).

And our faith is completely fueled by our love walk remaining intact.

No love equals no effective faith. Faith, can not work without love. Just as I’ve preached since 2016, “Faith works by love, just as car works by gas.” Get it?

How foolish is it to expect our vehicle engines to start without any gasoline in the tank?

Well, that’s how foolish we look when we expect faith to work when there is no love in our tank!

How can we rest assured that the faith we use will change our situation? By evaluating ourselves and making sure our love walk is intact. To be a faith person is to be a love person. This is our attitude and order, “There’s no such thing as a faith person without love. It doesn’t exists!” We must absolutely surrender and yield ourselves to LOVE. (See 1 John 4:8). And think, “I can’t be a faith person without love!”

Galatians 5:6 NKJV says “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.”

Faith needs a love vessel to flow through. Faith can not operate and work if love is absent.

What we do is go to the ultimate standard of our lives, which is the written WORD of God. Then confirm that our love walk is intact. Then we read and speak the WORD of God out loud, edify ourselves and allow faith to RISE UP on the inside of us (see Romans 10:17) and there will come a moment that you’ll just know that you know, that you know in your spirit……….”NOW is the time to release my faith!” How is faith released? WITH WORDS! (See what Jesus said Himself in Mark 11:22-23)

Faith works through love, AND faith without works is dead. (See James 2:26)

  1. Love, needs to have already been intact for faith to be readied.

  2. And then, if there’s no “action” that follows our faith, that faith is still yet ineffective.

Let’s say you’ve spent time in the WORD with the Lord, read and spoke His WORD out loud and as a result, faith ROSE UP on the inside of you. You now feel GOOD! You feel charged up and READY! Then you remember you need to go to the grocery store. While on the road, a car waits until it gets very, very close to your vehicle and then decides to change lanes by getting right in front of you, cuts you off, and then they drive below speed limit. Or how about this one! You’re driving on the highway and you are approaching your nearest exit, you turn on your blinker to get over to the far right lane, the car BEHIND you but in the right lane notices, yet they speed up so you can’t get in front of them, then you have to slow down on the highway and finally and barely make it to your exit lane right before the exit ends, almost missing it.

And then you look over after a few ounces of anxiety leaves and you notice that same fella, driving straight! He didn’t even get off the same exit as you! I’ve had this thought many times…..”They weren’t even going this way, didn’t even get off of the exit, and yet they STILL wouldn’t let me over?” That’s very strange and weird, yet that is NOT an excuse for us to violate God’s law of LOVE!

You now have 2 Options to choose from.

Option A: Keep LOVE intact so therefore the BLESSING and FAITH is still intact and working for your behalf.

Option B: Allow the frustration to stay, and now come out from under God’s covering and protection and start saying bad and mean things out loud to yourself in the car about that stranger whom you may never, ever get another glimpse of again while on this planet.

See, satan knows how silly that is to his evil advantage. Yet many believers across the world don’t even give that a thought (because it hasn’t been taught in some places), but would still wonder and say things like…….”How come my faith isn’t working? God I believe your word and I trust you!” But, He just saw you step out of love to get into acting on your anger. No love equals no effective faith. But what do you do in these situations when tempted? You fight with everything in you based on the foundation of the WORD to not act in such a way or say anything that you’d have to repent from.

Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:26-27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Wait……”the Bible says to be angry?!” Yes, it does, but don’t stop reading. It goes on to say “AND do not sin.” Well how do we do that?

No love equals no effective faith. You can be angry and still not get out of love. Wow! Hold on, let me explain. You can only get out of love……if you ACT on the anger. “Well, what does that look like? Angry and not sinning?” God allows us to be angry for a few seconds. But if we act on that anger, we’re now sinning which is DANGEROUS ground for what our actions would bring onto ourselves.

In those moments of temptation, anger and frustration, quickly go somewhere alone, with just you and Jesus, tell Him about it, talk to Him. He’s already ready, waiting for that moment, so He can lovingly talk to you and calm you down. Then, when you go back out, you never gave place to acting on that anger and guess what that means? Your love walk STAYED INTACT. Therefore THE BLESSING and FAITH stayed intact and is still in operation to work for your good and you didn’t even have a single thing to repent of!


At the end of the day, we want peace of mind, KNOWING we’re in good standing with God and that His WORD is working for us without us getting in the way of it not being able to fully work.

We must never make small of THE LOVE IMPORTANCE.

I am praying for you and want to encourage you to search for every single Bible verse you can possibly find on “love” and make time to just stop, think, and meditate on those verses. Do them, and watch the WORD work in your life!

I am praying for you daily!


Terry Minor Jr


Living Through the Eyes of God


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