What does God Want?

July 2023

Dear Partner,

Life instantly gets better when we want what God wants for us! Instantly….really? Yes! I want to prove to you how this is possible. Notice how when you enter into the presence of God, worries begin to instantly dissolve as you are completely swept into the love of God. Instantly, you no longer are as anxious as you were before. His presence, wrapped by His love, has instantaneously replaced worry with trust. When you taste His love that is carried by His presence, your cares start to fade. His love ushered you into such a place of Him that reassures you of this…… “My Father has my back, left, right and front side! He goes before me and behind me! None of these things will move me again! He gave me victory over this through Jesus Christ!”

What was instantly affected while being hit with a manifestation of the love of God was the state of your mental health. When you’ve been hit by the love of God, your mind, spirit and heart are no longer troubled! Being afraid starts to die out and your confidence in Him and in His WORD gets a BOOST. You rise up like a warrior who just got a wake up call about who you really are and what’s rightfully yours! And you’re ready to stand, fight the good fight of faith and GO GET IT DONE! Remember…….if we’re feeling spiritually dry, it’s not God’s fault, it’s ours, every time.

His WORD told us in James 4:8 which says, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you….” Which simply means this, “get close to God and He’ll get close to you.” Faith is not a feeling but God cares about His children knowing and also feeling His closeness. And we can feel His closeness by constantly feeding on His WORD and meditating on His love for us. He wants you to feel Him. He wants you to feel His presence. He wants you to feel that He is so close, that at any given moment you won’t be surprised if Jesus revealed Himself to you in the natural!

I have times in my prayer closet (garage) when the presence of God is so strong, I can tangibly sense the presence of Jesus. I can feel Him and the supernatural energy that is around me. I can feel Him, that He’s literally standing right beside me or right in front of me. He wants us to know Him. This isn’t “spooky.” It’s JESUS! He said in His WORD “I will reveal myself to Him and make myself real to Him.”  There are many times when I enter my prayer closet with my bible in my hand, close the door behind me, and He’s already there, in my garage, waiting on me. And instantly all I can do is weep.

In John 14:21 AMPC Jesus said…..

21  The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]

If someone doesn’t care about going to church, being close to Jesus and living for Him, then I’d say they haven’t placed their own self  in a position for Jesus to make Himself real to them. They’ve learned about Him and heard about Him from afar but they haven’t “drawn nigh” yet! It’s not until we draw nigh that our thirst is quenched! Appetizers are a setup that makes waiting no so hard for the satisfaction that’s to come. Appetizers aren’t called to satisfy. Appetizers calm you down just for a moment until you receive the full platter. And until you sit down and receive the full platter you’ll never leave satisfied or full. I hear this right now in my spirit, “Over and over again you’ve only been tasting and tasting….but your season of satisfaction is here!” The full platter is about to be placed at your table. And the Lord has prepared it! Keep drawing nigh to Him until you see it revealed and He’ll make you full!

God wants you full of His presence, full of Him, and completely of His love. He wants you FULL and OVERFLOWING with the compassion and love of God to the point where it lures others to learn of this “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.” When you look out there at this world today, they hunger for “proof.” Put yourself in a position for Jesus to make Himself real to you and reveal Himself to you, that’ll be all the “proof” you need!

I am praying for you every single day!


Terry Minor Jr


Honoring God in Your Marriage


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